Sunday 18 November 2012

all over again..

I know that you're not having that Channing Tatum's face. I realize that your parents are not Richie Rich's. And that's totally fine. Do you know why? Because since the first time, I've been so proud of having you, someone who has a brave heart to love me, to protect me, to teach me many things about life, to hug me when I'm cold or scared (even though just by text, cuz' the distance between us was so far), and care about me while everybody else leave me.

I'm proud of having you. I don't need you to be good looking. I don't need you to be rich. I don't need you to be 24/7 by my side (practically). I don't need you to fancy me with stuff. But I'm proud of you because you always be yourself. The truth of who you are. And I love that. And I'm so proud of that. And I'm so damn proud of having you.

But now... *sigh*

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